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October 30, 2006


Tijs Wilbrink

Hi Irving - really interesting to see that IBM is working to transform education for those youngsters who grow up in a world that is so much different than ours.

Our current education model of sitting in a classroom and learning about history, language, math etc seems to be doomed. Children go from a fast living world with tons of information into a classroom where they need to sit still for half a day. Then, after years of education, with the degree in their hands, employers know that they need to change how the graduates work into a project and business mode. This looks like there's waisted time in between... Let's try to make these early years more educational, more productive and -importantly- more fun ! Get children to work on ideas, on solutions, on real life problems. Learn by doing.

Practical idea: I believe in the ability of children to come up with ideas that we grownups just blocked out of our minds. Would you, representing IBM, be interested to put up some challenges for children in different life phases? Very much like the executive challenges that IBM uses in its ThinkPlace programme. Such an education model would not only benefit the children, but make a difference to the world ...



Freddie Moran


I found this blog particularly informative - course material, case studies / proof points, and lots of relevant links to SSME material. I am currently working within Scottish Universities to get a masters course module off the ground and what I read / see here is great.

One thing we are looking at doing is have the students "decompose" a web site like Ryanair / Easyjet to understand at a top level the business model and the value its delivering ( over and above a simple booking site ), then what the services and unique applications underpinning it are - Mastercard, Hertz, Hotels, home-grown applications, etc - then the glue and infrastructure that holds it together, then going right back down to the raw technology ( computing science ) at the bottom of the triangle.

We will assign a team of 8 to do - two people from each of business school / design school / engineering / computing science - supporting each team with a business mentor like myself, Andy Knox, etc.
This initially will get people thinking and working beyond their own box. Also with the results - for year two - we should be able to map where the undergraduate courses exist / do not and develop new undergraduate module to add to current teaching.

I would be interested to know if you have come across anything similar - decomposing existing web sites - so that we could short circuit our learning.


Freddie Moran

IBM Distinguished Engineer Emeritus, FIEE
Honorary Professor, University of Edinburgh.

Sanjay Dalal

IBM did particularly well during the first Internet wave with the eBusiness brand marketing and specific solutions. IBM revenues and profits showed solid growth even through the early 2000s, when other companies struggled. IBM is a definite survivor, and a long term innovator.

Did IBM catch the Web 2.0 wave? Or is it a better strategy for a company like IBM to cash in on the Web 2.0 wave after it is established?

I would like to understand when IBM makes a market entry into new innovations: early, in the majority, or late.

"If you don't innovate, you may survive today, but will perish tomorrow." I don't know who said this, but it is ever so true.

On Education and Innovation, here is a blog article that could be of interest: http://creativityandinnovation.blogspot.com/2006/09/education-driving-innovation-in-world.html

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