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September 11, 2006


Makio Yamazaki

At the latest conference, Tom Peter says the factor of "Innovations",
that means "people", "Product","Clients", "Execution","Enthusiasm",
"Excellence","Relentless",and "Senility".

But we could not to turn back, or stop,
and so we should focus in the future.

Michelangelo said, "The greatest danger for most of us is not that
our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Tom Mandel

This is really brilliant -- and a useful read not only for leaders of mature companies, but also for leaders of startups.

The kind of cultural capabilities you describe need to be encouraged and supported - built in, really - right from the start.


I believe the most important driver in innovation is company culture. Behavioral dynamics drive abstract thought and new ideas. Yet, American companies seek to drive more and more control in tasks are accomplished via processizing everything including thought. Today large American technology companies, including IBM, put a muzzle on many new ideas because of controls on how they manage the business. It becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Comparatively, small companies fly by the seat of their pants, take risks and, to a certain extent, make it up as they go. While no large business can be run like this, there are lessons to be learned yet they aren't being learned at all.

IBM is a great institution and a national jewel but I wouldn't compare IBM today to any time twenty years ago. Then IBM was IT. Today it is a vendor for most companies. % of IT/consulting/bpo spend has dropped to single digits. So, while IBM has remained a viable competitor in the marketplace, it is simply that. Nothing more and nothing less. Why? I believe something culturally changed and has never recovered. I believe that cultural change has left senior management where they have repeatedly been slow to recognize major trend shifts and unable to dominate such as it did in its heyday.


The way you describe innovation as an oxygen-mask for a dying company, startups following the open source model, should ideally never die if they realize the importance of innovation.
This one is absolutely brilliant.

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