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June 05, 2006


Darren Shaw

The whole Second Life environment seems to have just passed over the tipping point. There's a lot of stuff on eightbar.co.uk about what IBMers in the UK have been doing with Second Life.

Ian Hughes

Indeed it has reached a tipping point. We have been exploring this in Second Life this year.
I get the same buzz about what I see coming and what I can do with it now as a real extension to the way we interact, as I did in 1996 when I started work within IBM on the web. At the time many people said "it will never catch on". I think the web3.0 revolution is already here and in particular (as Darren mentions) http://eightbar.co.uk/2006/06/06/can-you-guess-where-this-is-second-life-meets-real-life/
shows what we are looking to do as a proof of concept.


Always pleased to see you so optimistic. So am I.
You're certainly right about the next area. Individuals and small reactive entities will get the point in a short time from here.
However how long will it take for the big organizations to adapt their working culture ?

Makio Yamazaki

In enterprise applications, we considered that best practices and standardization,
the coverage were important. However, at the actual office,
it was difficult to match the software to the real process.
I mean the trend of Web 2.0 having not only a "collaboration mind"
but also "diversities" would be more and more important for enterprise application.
This is more than just Workflow. It is Information Flow.
It expects that the alignment of IT and the business becomes stronger in the future.


Thanks for making that excellent connection between business applications and gaming. Will Wright, in the April 2006 edition of Wired Magazine, made some very interesting points ("Dream Machines: How Games are Unleashing the Human Imagination")that I think the enterprise in particular could learn from gamers: "...positive aspects of gaming--creativity, community, self-esteem, problem-solving."


I agree with your idea of self-organization. My questions is this why do people feel more connected through online communities as opposed to television communities? I believe that users enjoy the power to write and to communicate over the second screen. The third screen concept will deliver the voice that the second lacks.


I heard that Deloitte has launched a Virtual World of its own...has anyone seen or heard anything on this?

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