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January 31, 2006



I read this post and other recent articles about 'smart machines' and other references to network attached devices and I can't help but wonder why IBM doesn't feature their own capabilities in this area. You have, by far, the most advanced sense and respond technologies in your servers and devices. You know more about my installations at any point in time than I do! And I know from talking to my IBM rep that you use the data from my machine to feed your entire supply chain from manufacturing to service. IBM Service Agent, I think, is the driver. You must be able to help other companies as they look to 'educate' their own products. This has profound impact to business in the future.

Ajit Jaokar

Hello Irving
Just to let you know that I found this post very useful and I have referred to it in my post about Digital convergence = mashups at http://opengardensblog.futuretext.com/archives/2006/04/digital_converg.html
Kind rgds

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