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September 26, 2005


Jeff Tash

Because I post on Blogger, ITscout.blogspot.com, I'm unable to send you a TrackBack ping (without installing a 3rd-party add-on). So, this comment is a brute force ping to let you know you I referenced your blog.

jeff paul internet business

Your post has on internet marketing is definitely true. Internet marketing has opened new ways of attracting visitors to the website giving the webmasters a way of earning cash as well as web status. Let's see what the future holds for internet marketing.

Like most affiliate marketers, he started selling his 1st resale rights product in clickbank. However, the biggest difference is this guy managed to crack the clickbank code and earn 100,000,000 every single month by working at home! Are you thinking how good it can be if you can get his clickbank blueprint? here’ s the answer to your prayer!


I can't see anyone earning 100 million per month he would be richer than bill gates. But I bet some do earn a large amount if you can market you products on clickbank properly.

Authority Networker

Most people today aren’t very receptive on being ’sold’ on something. Traditional marketing methods don't work as well as they used to. People are tired of this method for business, and a new method is now available that will make everything easier and natural…it's called attraction marketing. In incorporating the attraction marketing formula into your business, you act as an educator as well as a seller while you develop ongoing relationships with clients. The results will be much more favorable then if you were to try to hard-sell everything.

Envelope Stuffing is the most established work-from-home scam, and it’s been going for decades now. Basically, once you pay your money and sign up to work from home, you’re sent a set of envelopes and ads just like the one you responded to. You might make some money if someone responds to your ad, but eventually there just won’t be a market for it any more. Anyway, work from home offers like this are illegal pyramid schemes. You won’t make any money putting letters in envelopes

Inbound Call Center

The BPOs in India face an enormous challenge in reducing attrition rate and this being a nascent industry needs to draw parallels.Before we proceed its important to understand the underlying reasons for high attrition rates, which are pretty steep and are around 40-50%. Currently it is about 35% in non-voice and 45% in voice call centers. About 80% of them look for better careers within the same industry.

Jeff Paul Shortcut to internet

In this era of competition differentiatio on qulaity , cost , effecciency and innovation is key to growth and success .

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