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August 18, 2005


Daniel Bassill

I also posted my first blog about 3 months ago. I'm still learning how to build connections between blogs, but my goal is to connect people around the world who are interested in helping kids born in poverty be starting jobs/careers by age 25. I write about this at http://tutormentor.blogspot.com and link to web sites where I host extensive information on this topic.

To me blogs are just one more tool that helps people who share a common concern to get together to talk about the problem. So far much of this is just talk. But I'm sure that in companies like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, etc., people are working hard to create collaboration tools that enable leaders to turn talk into problem solving and innovation.

So far, I think this is mostly applied to the business community and capitalism. I think that in the future it will be equally applied to solving social issues. This will change the shape of the world and the nature of government because it will take us back to a day when people got together to solve local problems or to help each other do things that one person could not do by himself (such as build a barn).

By applying these tools through the internet the people coming together will be from different parts of the world, and the things that are being built will be world peace, a cleaner environment, and end to hunger, a path to careers.

I encourage business people who are innovating collaboration tools for industry to invest time/talent and dollars into organizations seeking to apply these tools to social issues. A person in the workforce is not as motivated to learn to use these tools as is a person who is serving a social cause. Thus, it's possible that business can accelerate the rate at which employees learn to use e-learning and collaboration if they partner with organizations that encourage volunteerism and service.

The Tutor/Mentor Connection is one place where these concepts are being nurtured. I encourage you to take a look.

Sacha Chua

I heard about your blog from Stephen Perelgut of the IBM Center for Advanced Studies in Toronto. You're one of his must-reads, and now you're one of mine. You write with so much clarity and insight! Wow. =D

I love reading blogs. I get exposed to the coolest ideas through blogs, and I learn so much about people and their work.

I love writing. The act of expressing my thoughts forces me to clarify them. I love sharing whatever little I've learned because I get so much back in return in terms of ideas, relationships, and opportunities. It feels _good_ to get to know other people through ideas. It feels great to affect people's lives not just now but also later on, when search engines help people rediscover posts and comments. =)

Blogging is really good stuff! =)

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