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July 11, 2005


Bill Higgins

As a movie buff I'm sure you saw "Minority Report" by Steven Spielberg.

I really liked the user interface that Tom Cruise and others used when searching for clues to the future crimes foreseen by the pre-cogs. For those of you who haven't seen the movie, basically the user "conducted" a set of video images with his or her hands. It's hard to describe in writing so just rent "Minority Report" if you're haven't seen it.

Interestingly, while searching for photos of this movie interface (no luck), I found an article that says that Raytheon is creating a real life version for the US military (see link below). Wonders never cease!


Vincenzo Graziano

Hi all. I don’t know a lot about technology. Can I ask you to explain very simply what a “mainframe” is? I want to build up a vocabulary of IT terms that I don’t know. Thanks

Daniel Cook

A very interesting article. The company I work for does a lot of work with both larger enterprise customers in the PLM space as well as the game industry. With enterprise customers (The Boeings, Panasonics, etc of the world) we help them apply their existing 3D CAD data to training and configuration problems. In the game industry, we provide tools and technology for authoring 3D game user interfaces.

In my experience there is a remarkable overlap between the two markets that is not immediately apparent. The game developers are interested in displaying highly complex real-time information regarding the in-game simulation in an intuitive fashion. A poor interface can ruin a game. The enterprise needs are not so different. They require an equally capable method of displaying complex enterprise information and tying it into highly interactive 3D applications built upon 3D CAD data.

What surprised me was that these two completely different customer groups both share such remarkably overlapping feature requirements. When you have an inexpensive new technology solving a wide range of problems that were previously unsolvable in a cost effective manner, the futurist in me begins to pay attention.

Good stuff.

take care

Mike Wing

A piece by Seth Schiesel in the Aug. 6 NY Times about "World of Warcraft" (http://www.nytimes.com/2005/08/06/sports/06game.html)is very resonant with the themes you're touching on in this post, Irving: new forms of user interface, and collaborative online activities. He writes:

"Most people never experience interdependence second by second. Even if your employer says you are working on something larger, many people spend all day in a cubicle or at a counter and never really know if they are making a difference. That's what 'Dilbert' is all about.

"But gamers get to know that their team killed the beast and got the treasure, much as athletes get to know that their team won the game and soldiers get to know that their side defeated the enemy. Those are powerful, even addictive emotions, and many people who experience them can never truly give them up."

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